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girl wearing bchu metaverse dress


Shop What's New

Pride Puffy Dress

Bchu Metaverse

Pride Puffy Dress

THB 999.00

Metallic Pink Puffy Dress

Bchu Metaverse

Metallic Pink Puffy Dress

THB 999.00

Body Sixpack

Bchu Metaverse

Body Sixpack

THB 999.00

The Winner

Bchu Metaverse

The Winner

THB 999.00

Gala Dress

Bchu Metaverse

Gala Dress

THB 999.00

Love you forever

Bchu Metaverse

Love you forever

THB 999.00

How to wear


Choose Look

Step 1

No more worries about your wardrobe anymore. Be the person you always wanted to be. Choose a look from our variety of Metaverse collections.


Add Image

Step 2

It's time to get your Meta look on. Just upload your photo and we'll do the rest. Make sure to upload a photo as per our guidelines.



Step 3

You're almost there. Please proceed to checkout to complete your order. Just in a couple of days, you'll receive your customized look.


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